Nuestro Trabajo
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Quienes Somos?
Nuestra experiencia está contrastada por el número de eventos realizados y avalada por nuestra condición de OPC (Organizador Proefsional de Congresos).
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Nuestro Equipo
Un equipo de profesionales especializado en la organización de congresos.
Desde 1992 Magna Congresos organiza congresos, convenciones e incentivos colaborando con instituciones públicas, asociaciones, fundaciones y empresas privadas, en la organizacion de todo tipo de reuniones. [/grid_8] [grid_8]
Nuestro Trabajo
- Asesorar
- Crear
- Administrar
- Coordinart
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Our experience is proven by the number of events held and guaranteed by our status as OPC (Conference Organizer Proefsional).
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Magna Congresos is committed to advising you on the optimum organization and management of your event, taking care of all the necessary details of planning, implementation, development and close.
Among others we offer the following services:
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- Preparation of Budgets
- We will draw up a detailed cost and revenue Budget
- For events requiring registration payments, we will advise you on the payment amounts
- We will maintain the details of cost and revenue updated throughout the event
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- Administration
- Opening a bank account
- Collection of fees and invoicing
- Updated detail on account status
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- Contracting Venues
- Locating the venue which best suits your needs
- Offer of accommodation for participants
- Installation of audio-visual mediums
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- Design, Image and Printing
- Creation of logo and image
- Design and web hosting
- Application of all stationary and billboards for the event
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- Tradeshows
- Location and distribution of exhibition area
- Monitoring of possible sponsors
- Contractual management for the spaces provided
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- Social Activities
- Search for areas
- Contracting catering
- Programming social functions and show
- Excursions and guided tours
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- Technical Secretary
- Contact guests to manage their travel and/or accommodation
- Promotion and circulation of the event by email
- Reception and confirmation of inscriptions/attendance
- Attention to participants
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- Scientific Secretary
- Channelling the reception of work for evaluation
- Sending acceptance replies to author
- Layout of book summaries in the requested format
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- Other Services
- Contracting and coordination of hostesses
- Simultaneous translation services
- Photographer and video
- Gifts
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