Satellite Events (Wednesday 25th)
- 13:30-14:30: ERC session (organized by Pilar Lacruz)
- 14:30-16:10: OpenSesame Workshop (organized by Sebastiaan Mathôt)
- 16:10-17:50: Women in Cognitive Science (organized by Teresa Bajo Molina, Cristina Cacciari & Lorenza Colzato)
- 17:50-19:30: Wolfgang Köhler in Tenerife (1913-1920): A Tribute to a Pioneer in Cognitive Psychology (organized by Michel Denis & Carlos J. Álvarez)
SESSION 1: Thursday 26th
- EWOMS Symposium: Working Memory: Too Many Theories? (Majerus, S.)
- Does Core Cognition Structure Human Language? The Case of Number Sense, Number Words, and Number Morphology. (Franzon, F., Zanini, C. & Rugani, R.)
- Time for Embodiment – New Evidence for the Time Course of Bodily Reference in Cognition. (Nazir, T. A. & Fischer, M. H.)
- Acting in a Complex World – Emerging Perspectives on Human Agency. (Schwarz, K. A., Sidarus, N. & Pfister, R.)
- Integrated and Flexible Spatial Representations: Who Makes them (When and How), and Why They Are Important. (Newcombe, N. S.)
- Development and Plasticity of Executive Functions. (Karbach, J., Könen, T. & Strobach, T.)
- Auditory Cortical Entrainment in Relation with Language Processing. (Molinaro, N.)
SESSION 2: Friday 27th
- 10 Years European Summer School on Computational Modelling of Cognition. (Oberauer, K. et al.)
- From Monkey to Man – 100 Years of Problem Solving Research since Wolfgang Köhler. (Danek, A. H.)
- Peripersonal Space Representation in Individual and Social Contexts. (Coello, Y.)
- The Psychology of Human Habits. (Luque, D.)
- The Multifaceted Manifestations of Autobiographical Memory: From Severely Deficient to Highly Superior Performance, Passing Through Normal Functioning. (Santangelo, V. & Palombo, D. J.)
- Emotional Conflict – Cognitive Conflict. (Cserjesi, R. & Logemann, A.)
- On the Interplay Between Orthographic and Motor Processes During Word Writing. (Afonso, O. & Álvarez, C. J.)
SESSION 3: Friday 27th
- Language Learning as a Byproduct of Communication. (Brysbaert, M.)
- Numerosity Perception. (Knops, A.)
- Beyond this Reality: VR as a Paradigm for Interactive and Embodied Social Cognition. (Sellaro, R. & Spape, M.)
- Spontaneity in Future Thinking: A Forward-Looking Research Symposium. (Cole, S.)
- Is Memory Slave to the Rhythm? Focus on the Role of Timing and Temporal Factors in Verbal Short-Term Memory. (Gorin, S.)
- New Findings and Approaches on Strategic Variations in Human Cognition. (Hammerstein, S.)
- Negation Processing: New Insights and Models. (Beltrán, D.)
SESSION 4: Saturday 28th
- Motivation for Effort: Physiology, Behaviour and Neural Computations of How Humans Face Cognitive and Physical Challenges. (Vassena, E.)
- The Role of Reasoning in Moral Decision Making. (Patil, I. & Hannikainen, I.)
- Exploring Cognition Using New Technological Advances Such as Embodied Artificial Agents. (Wykowska, A. & Ciardo, F.)
- Current Topics in Music Cognition: Perceiving Time and Structure. (Popescu, T. & Vuoskoski, J.)
- Don’t Forget to Take Your Medication when Cooking Dinner: How Are Working Memory and Prospective Memory Related? (Hering, A. & Vergauwe, E.)
- The Origins and Consequences of Monitoring Processes in Human Action Control. (Pfeuffer, C.)
- Experimental Approaches to Reading Acquisition. (Bakos, S. & Schmalz, X.)
SESSION 5: Saturday 28th
- Probing the Mind with Magic. (Martínez-Conde, S. & Macknik, S. L.)
- Communication Systems Across Species: How Research on Animals Inspires Research on Humans. (Martin, C. D. & Scharff, C.)
- Where Next? The Future of Embodiment Research. (Huettig, F. & Ostarek, M.)
- Public Acceptance and Rejection of Science in a ‘Post‐Truth’ World. (Lewandowsky, S.)
- Spatial Learning and Navigation from the Individual Differences Perspective. (Meneghetti, C.)
- Exploring Decision-Making Through Computational Modeling. (Calderon, C. B. & Cogliatti Dezza, I.)
- Auditory Comprehension Under Adverse Listening Conditions. (Caffarra, S. & Guediche, S.)
Psychonomic Society Collaborative Symposium (Saturday 28th)
- Theories and Models of Human Intelligence: Recent Developments. (Andrew Conway)
Social Events
– Opening reception (Wednesday 25th– 19:30-20:30)
– Conference dinner (Friday 27th– 20:30-22:30)
– Guided visit to the Teide National Park (Saturday 28th)